Thursday, October 4, 2012

Am I Blue?

     "Am I Blue?"  is a short story about a boy named Vincent. He is a confused teenager who is trying to figure out if he is gay or not. Vincent is being bulled by Butch Carrigan. One day, Vincent got beat up so bad he fell into a puddle, fortunately, he gets a very nice, helpful fairy godfather named Melvin. Melvin helps Vincent during a very rough time.
     I feel bad for Vincent. Who wants to be going through that? I know a bunch of people do but it must be so hard, confusing, and very frustrating. Especially if you don't even know. It's like you are trying to find yourself but you can't.This story is very interesting and meaningful, and I think there are many important events that happen. I think one big thing that happened in this story, and what happens in most other stories, is character change.
     Of course Vincent is confused and lost and must be upset, I mean who wouldn't be? He is trying to figure things out and he keeps getting beaten up for being gay. Who goes through that and is still always happy 24/7? I also think Vincent is scared. It's not his fault though, it's the people that beat him up fault. Vincent changes a lot in this story. I think he starts out confused and he is always worrying what others will think about him. He gets mad very easily and doesn't want to be near anyone who is gay. But by the end of the story, he has changed a lot. He is no longer self conscious and he is independent, and doesn't care about what others think. He basically accepts who he is. Vincent definitely didn't do that alone, he had help from his fairy godfather, Melvin.
     In the beginning of the book Vincent is still searching for himself. I think he is ashamed that he might be gay. He doesn't want to accept who he is, either that or he doesn't even care anymore, he just wants it to be all over with. He cares way too much what others think and he gets embarrassed a lot. Melvin helped Vincent out but i think Vincent didn't really appreciate Melvin a lot at first. He was embarrassed to be seen with Melvin. Since Vincent gets beaten up so much he didn't want to be beaten up more for being seen with someone who is gay.
     The quote: "A guy who moved like Melvin did wasn't going to do anything to improve the situation" proves Vincent doesn't accept the way Melvin walks. He even told Melvin that he shouldn't walk like that. Even though Vincent was churlish towards Melvin, Melvin didn't even act like he cared, it's behavior like that, that really inspired Vincent.
     When Melvin said "Honey, i gave my whole life to be able to walk like this. Don't you dare try to stop me now" it really showed that Melvin didn't care. He is going to do what he wants to. That really bothered Vincent at first but towards the end of the story, it really just ended up helping him. Vincent is going through a really rough time in his life. And even though he changes a lot throughout the story, it is still not fair the way that he is treated by others. I think one of the ways that he dealt with being hurt is acting out towards melvin, someone he barley even knows. He yelled at Melvin for being different. I guess he had to take out his anger on someone and who better then his fairy godfather? I feel bad for Vincent and i am really glad that he finally accepts himself.
     At the end of the story, Vincent really changes. He really opens his eyes and figures out who he is. Vincent told Melvin that he wanted Melvin to turn the whole country blue for one day. At that point i think that Vincent has really thought more about himself, and he finally realized it doesn't matter what he is, he will be proud either way. The night before, Vincent had asked Melvin to give him gaydar. When he did, i think it really opened him up and showed him that he isn't alone, he isn't the only one trying to figure out if they are gay or not.
     By the end of the story, Vincent has completely changed.
     "And my third wish? I've decided to save it for when i really need it-maybe when i meet the girl of my dreams. Or prince charming. Whichever." That quote to me, really showed the reader that a lot. It showed the reader that Vincent was going to be Vincent and no one was going to stop him.

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